Aiya Europe GmbH
Am Sandtorkai 62
20457 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 34 80 99 93
Fax: +49 40 34 80 99 94
E-Mail: [email protected]

CEO: Takeo Sugita, Thomas M. Grömer

The company is registered and based in Hamburg, Germany
Register court: Hamburg, HRB 105615
VAT ID: DE 260 245 823

Organic certified by: DE-ÖKO-005

The EU-Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution via the following link:

This platform is the first contact point for settling disputes out-of-court, that arise from online
sales contracts involving a consumer.

Use of web pages: Content and design of this web pages are protected by copyright. A
reproduction of the pages, texts, images or other content is required prior written consent by
Aiya Europe GmbH.